Contacts | State of Oregon


  1. Legislative Branch
    • Senate
      • President of the Senate
        • Interim Committees and Task Forces
        • Session Standing and Special Committees
        • Legislative Statutory Committees (shared with Speaker of the House)
          • Legislative Fiscal
          • Legislative Revenue
          • Legislative Policy and Research
          • Legislative Administration
          • Legislative Counsel
          • Commission on Indian Services
      • President Pro Tempore
      • Secretary of the Senate
      • Majority Leader
      • Minority Leader
    • House of Representatives
      • Speaker of the House
        • Interim Committee and Task Forces
        • Session Standing and Special Committees
        • Legislative Statutory Committees (shared with President of the Senate)
      • Speaker Pro Tempore
      • Chief Clerk of the House
      • Majority Leader
      • Minority Leader
  2. Executive Branch
    • Secretary of State
      • Archives Division, State Archivist Stephanie Clark
        • State Historical Records Advisory Board, State Coordinator Mary McRobinson
      • Audits Division Director Kip Memmott
      • Corporation Division Director Eloisa Miller​
      • Elections Division Director Molly Woon
      • [Internal Support:]
        • Business Services Division Director​ Steve Bergmann
        • Human Resources Division Director​ Tasha Peterson
        • Information Systems Division Director​ Chris Molin
    • Attorney General Ellen F. Rosenblum
      • Oregon Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Attorney General
        • Deputy Attorney General Lisa Udland
        • Deputy Legislative Director Kate Denison
        • Communications Director Roy Kaufmann
        • Director of Consumer Outreach & Education Ellen Klem
        • Legislative Director Kimberly McCullough
        • Special Counsel to the Attorney General Michael Kron
        • Special Counsel to the Attorney General Kaylie Klein
        • Chief Financial Officer William O’Donnell
        • Director of Civil Rights and Social Justice Fay Stetz-Waters
      • Administrative Services Division Administrator Marc Williams
      • Appellate Division, Solicitor General Benjamin Gutman
      • Child Advocacy and Protection Division, Chief Counsel Joanne Southey
      • Child Support Division Administrator Kate Cooper Richardson
      • Civil Enforcement Division, Chief Counsel Claudia Grobert
      • Crime Victim and Survivor Services Division Director Shannon Sivell
      • Criminal Justice Division, Chief Counsel Michael Slauson
      • General Counsel Division, Chief Counsel Renee Stineman
      • Trial Division, Chief Trial Counsel Steve Lippold
    • Governor Tina Kotek
      • ​​Constituent Services Office
      • Administrative Programs
      • Consumer & Business Services Programs
        • Oregon Board of Accountancy
        • Board of Chiropractic Examiners
        • Construction Contractors Board
        • Department of Consumer and Business Services
        • Mental Health Regulatory Agency
        • Oregon Board of Dentistry
        • Board of Medical Imaging
        • Oregon Mortuary and Cemetery Board
        • Board of Naturopathic Medicine
        • Oregon Occupational Therapy Licensing Board
        • Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
        • Oregon State Veterinary Medical Examining Board
        • Bureau of Labor and Industries
        • Oregon Medical Board
        • Oregon State Board of Nursing
        • Oregon Board of Pharmacy
        • Public Utility Commission
        • Oregon Real Estate Agency
        • Oregon State Board of Licensed Social Workers
        • State Board of Tax Practitioners
      • Economic & Community Development Programs
        • Oregon Business Development Department
        • Oregon Employment Department
        • Housing and Community Services
        • Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs
      • Education Programs
        • Director of the Oregon Department of Education (ODE)
          • Youth Development Council
          • Youth Development Director
        • Higher Education Coordinating Commission
          • Directors Office
          • Central Operations
          • Research and Data
          • Academic Policy and Authorization
            • Office of Degree Authorization (ODA)
            • Private Career Schools (PCS)
            • Public University Academic Policy Coordination
          • Office of Post-Secondary Finance and Capital
          • Community Colleges
          • Office of Workforce Investments (OWI)
          • Office of Student Access and Completion (OSAC)
            • Privately Funded Scholarship Programs
            • Oregon Opportunity Grant (OOG)
            • Oregon Promise
            • Oregon National Guard State Tuition Assistance
            • Oregon Student Child Care Grant
          • State Support to Community Colleges
          • Public University Operations and Student Support, a.k.a. Public University Support Fund (PUSF)
          • Public University State Programs
          • Statewide Public Services
            • Agricultural Experiment Station
            • OSU Extension Service
            • Forest Research Laboratory
          • Sports Lottery
          • Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU)
          • Public University Debt Service
          • Community College Debt Service
          • OHSU Debt Service
          • Public University Capital Construction
          • Community College Capital Construction
        • Teacher Standards and Practice Commission (TSPC)
        • Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC)
          • Grant In Aid
            • Oregon Pre-Kindergarten (OPK) and Early Head Start
            • Employment Related Day Care Program (ERDC)
            • Preschool Promise
            • Early Childhood Equity Fund
            • Healthy Families Oregon (HFO)
          • Operations
      • Human Services Programs
        • Commission for the Blind
        • Department of Human Services
        • Oregon Health Authority
        • Long Term Care Ombudsman (LTCO)
          • Oregon Public Guardian (OPG)
        • Psychiatric Security Review Board (PSRB)
      • Natural Resources Programs
        • Oregon Department of Agriculture
        • Columbia River Gorge Commission
        • Oregon Department of Energy
        • Department of Environmental Quality
        • Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
        • Oregon Department of Forestry
        • Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
        • Department of Land Conservation and Development
        • Land Use Board of Appeals
        • Department of State Lands
        • Oregon State Marine Board
        • Oregon Parks and Recreation Department
        • Water Resources Department
        • Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
      • Public Safety Programs
        • Department of Corrections Director (both Acting & Deputy) Heidi Steward
          • Executive Assistant Jessica Freeburn
          • Executive Specialist Debbie Scalera
          • Oregon Corrections Enterprises Administrator Melanie Doolin
          • Audits Administrator Eli Ritchie
        • Criminal Justice Commission
        • District Attorneys & Their Deputies
        • Department of Justice
        • Oregon Military Department
        • Oregon Youth Authority
        • Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision
        • Department of State Police
        • Oregon Department of Emergency Management
        • Department of the State Fire Marshal
        • Department of Public Safety Standards and Training
        • Transportation Programs
          • Oregon Department of Aviation
          • Oregon Department of Transportation
        • Labor Commissioner
          • Bureau of Labor & Industries
        • State Treasurer
  3. Judicial Branch
    • Chief Justice of Oregon Supreme Court
      • Oregon Supreme Court Justices
      • Oregon Judicial Conference
    • Judicial Department


  • 2023 — 2025 Governor’s Budget, State of Oregon. (






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