Category: Politics
English Bill of Rights (1688)
An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the Crown Whereas the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons assembled at Westminster, lawfully, fully and freely representing all the estates of the people of this realm, did upon the thirteenth day of February in the year of our Lord…
7 Layers of Jurisdiction
Six layers of jurisdiction sit upon the plot of ground on which I stand: Metro and Trimet are included in this list because they are given the power to tax, which is a function of government. A seventh layer is closer, more local, and more intimate than either of these and, at the same time,…
Contacts | State of Oregon
Electorate: Sources
Contacts | City of Portland
Organization Terms & Symbols Term / Abbr. / Symbol Explanation ARPA American Rescue Plan Act BEECN Basic Earthquake Emergency Communication Node CIP / PMO COAD Coalition of Organizations Active in Disaster COOP Continuity of Operations Plans (interim) JOHS Joint Office of Homeless Services NET Neighborhood Emergency Team PCEF STEP TBD To be determined … Sources
Contacts | Multnomah County
Organization Terms & Symbols Term / Abbreviation / Symbol Explanation * Elected officials † Appointed officials DDA Deputy District Attorney i.e. Lat. id est, “that is” (interim) MCAS Multnomah County Animal Services MCDA Multnomah County District Attorney MCSO Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office Sources: