Bibliography | Canons, Creeds, Confessions & Catechisms | Part 2


  1. Old Roman Symbol

Ecumenical Creeds

  1. Apostles’ Creed (Symbolum Apostolicum) 
  2. Nicæno-Constantinopolitan Symbol 
  3. Chalcedon Symbol 
  4. Athansian Symbol 

Protestant Creeds, Confessions, Canons, and Catechisms: 


  1. 1517—Ninety-five Theses (Luther) 
  2. 1529—Luther’s Large Catechism 
  3. 1529—Luther’s Small Catechism 
  4. 1530—Augsburg Confession  
  5. 1530—Apology of the Augsburg Confession (Confessio Augustana, Apologia Confessionis) 
  6. 1537—Smalcaldic Articles 
  7. 1540—Confessio Augustana Variata 
  8. 1544—Short Confession concerning the Holy Sacrament (Kurzes Bekkentnis vom heiligen Sakrament) 
  9. 1557—Formula of Concord (Formula Concordiæ) 
  10. 1580—Book of Concord  
  11. 1592—Saxon Visitation Articles  
  12. 1655—Reaffirmed Consensus of the Trinity Lutheran Faith 
  13. 1855—Definite Platform

Superceded Lutheran Confessions

  1. 1551—Saxon Confession (Confessio Saxonica; Confessio de coena Domini; Melanchthon) 
  2. 1552—Württemberg Confession (Confession Wirtembergensis) 


Swiss Reformed: 

  1. 1523—Sixty-seven Articles (Zwingli)
  2. 1528—Ten Theses of Berne
  3. 1528—East Friesland Confession (Zwinglian) 
  4. 1532—Synodical Declaration of Bern 
  5. 1534—First Confession of Basel 
  6. 1536—First Helvetic Confession 
  7. 1541—Geneva Catechism (1545) 
  8. 1562—Second Helvetic Confession (1566) 

German Reformed: 

  1. 1530—Tetrapolitan Confession (Confessio Tetrapolitana) 
  2. 1554—Emden Catechism (Jan Laski; superseded by the Heidelberg Catechism) 1563—Heidelberg Catechism 
  3. 1578—Confession of Nassau 
  4. 1597—Anhalt Articles 
  5. 1598—Bremen Consensus (Consensus Bremensis) 
  6. 1607—Hessian Confession (pub. 1608) 
  7. 1607—Catechism of the Heidelberg Theologians 
The Brandenburg Confessions 
  1. 1614—Sigismund Confession 
  2. 1631—The Colloquy at Leipzig 
  3. 1645—Declaration of Thorn 

Bohemian, Polish, and Hungarian Reformed: 

  1. 1535—Bohemian Confession (Confession of the Unity of the Bohemian Brethren, Brethren’s confession) 
  2. 1575—Second Bohemian Confession 
  3. 1557—Confession of Czenger 
  4. 1570—Sendomir Consensus 
  1. 1536—Lausanne Articles 
  2. 1536—Geneva Confession 
  3. 1537—Confession of Faith concerning the Eucharist (Confession fides de eucharistia) 
  4. 1549—Zurich Consensus 
  5. 1552—Geneva Consensus (Consensus Genevensis) 
  6. 1556—Confession of the English Congregation at Geneva 

French and Dutch Reformed: 

  1. 1558—Guanabara Confession (Huguenot) 
  2. 1559—French Confession of Faith (Confession de La Rochelle; Gallic Confession of Faith; La Rochelle Confession of Faith; Confessio Gallicana, Huguenot) 
  3. 1561—Belgic Confession (Confessio Belgica) 
  4. 1619—Canons of Dordt (or Dort
  5. 1872—French Declaration of Faith 
  1. 1559—Confession of the Christian Faith 
  2. 1562—Hungarian Confession  
  3. 1562—Erlauthal Confession 
  4. 1571—Wittenberg Catechism 
  5. 1581—Harmony of the Confessions of Faith 
  6. 1581—Craig’s Catechism 
  7. 1609—Bohemian Confession 
  8. 1613/1617—Bentheim Confession 
  9. 1617—The Seven Articles of the Church of Leyden 
  10. 1644—First London Baptist Confession (rev. 1646; see Baptist) 
  11. 1675—Helvetic Consensus (Formula consensus Helvetici, Formula consensus ecclesiarum Helveticarum) 
  12. 1658—Savoy Declaration (John Owen, see Congregational) 
  13. 1693—Walcheren Articles 
  14. 1905—Conclusions of Utrecht 
  15. 1934—Theological Declaration of Barmen 
  16. 1986—Belhar Confession 
  17. 1996—Cambridge Declaration 

Anabaptist / Mennonite:

  1. 1527—Schleitheim Confession (Anabaptist)
  2. 1591—The Mennonites Concept of Cologne (Anabaptist) 
  3. 1896—Articles of Confession (Church of God in Christ, Mennonite) 
  4. 1991—Statement of Doctrine (Conservative Mennonite Conference) 
  5. 1554—Wismar Articles (Dutch Anabaptist) 
  6. 1627—Olive Branch Confession (Dutch Mennonite) 
  7. 1994—Confession of Faith (Evangelical Mennonite Conference) 
  8. 2001—Confession of Faith (Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference) 
  9. 1990—Confession of Faith (Fellowship of Concerned Mennonites) 
  10. 1950—Articles of Faith (Fellowship of Evangelical Bible Churches) 
  11. 1896—Our Common Confession (General Conference Mennonite) 
  12. 1944—The Anabaptist Vision (Harold S. Bender) 
  13. 1947—An Ancient Version of Obbe Phillips’ “Confession” (Leonard Verduin) 
  14. 1632—Dordrecht Confession of Faith (Mennonite) 
  15. 1778—Elbing Catechism (Mennonite) 
  16. 1902, 1975—Confession of Faith (Mennonite Brethren Church) 
  17. 1963—Mennonite Confession of Faith (Mennonite Church) 
  18. 1995—Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective (Mennonite Church USA, Mennonite Church Canada) 
  19. 2006—Mennonite World Conference Shared Convictions (Mennonite World Conference) 
  20. 1617—The Confession of Faith (P.J. Twisck) 
  21. 1956—A Hutterite Book of Medieval Origin (Robert Friedmann) 
  22. 1853—Confession, or Short and Simple Statement of Faith (Rudnerweide, Russia) 
  23. 1568—Strasbourg Discipline (South German Anabaptist) 
  24. 2012—Foundations of our Faith and Calling (The Bruderhof Communities) 
  25. 1577—Confession of Faith (Waterlander) 
  26. 1578—The Middelburg Confession of Hans de Ries 
  27. 1618—A Short Confession of Faith by Hans de Ries 
  28. 1766—Mennonite Articles of Faith by Cornelis Ris 

Anglican / Episcopal: 

  1. 1536—Ten Articles 
  2. 1537—Bishops’ Book 
  3. 1539—Six Articles  
  4. 1543—The King’s Book 
  5. 1549/1662—Anglican Catechism 
  6. 1552—Forty-two Articles (The Edwardine Articles) 
  7. 1571—Thirty-nine Articles (Articles of Religion; The Elizabethan Articles; Latin ed. pub. 1563) 
  8. 1595—Lambeth Articles (Nine Articles) 
  9. 1615—Irish Articles of Religion (James Ussher)  
  10. 1646—Westminster Confession of Faith 
  11. 1875—Articles of the Reformed Episcopal Church 
  12. 1977—Affirmation of St. Louis 


  1. 1560—Scots Confession (Confessio Scoticana) 
  2. 1580—Second Scots Confession 
  3. 1581—The King’s Confession (The Negative Confession, Confessio Negativa) 

Westminster Standards 

  1. 1645—Directory for Public Worship (Westminster Directory) 
  2. 1645—The Form of Presbyterial Church Government 
  3. 1646—Westminster Confession of Faith 
  4. 1649—Westminster Shorter Confession 
  5. 1649—Westminster Longer Confession 
  1. 1655—Confession of the Waldenses 
  2. 1814/1883—Confession of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church 
  3. 1837—Auburn Declaration 
  4. 1848—Confession of the Free Evangelical Church of Geneva 
  5. 1870—Confession of the Free Italian Church 
  6. 1924—Auburn Affirmation (PCUSA) 
  7. 1967—Confession of 1967 
  8. 1983—Book of Confessions (PCUSA) 
  9. 1983—The Creed of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Chile 
  10. 1984—Living Faith: A statement of Christian Belief, Presbyterian Church in Canada 
  11. 1991—Brief Statement of Faith  

Puritan / Congregational:

  1. 1603—Points of Difference of Congregationalists 
  2. 1648—Cambridge Platform  
  3. 1658—Savoy Declaration  
  4. 1708—Saybrook Platform  
  5. 1833—Declaration of the Congregational Union of England and Wales 
  6. 1865—Declaration of the Boston National Council 
  7. 1871—Declaration of the Oberlin National Council 
  8. 1883—Confession of American Congregationalists 


  1. 1610—Five Articles of Remonstrance 



  1. 1611—Thomas Helwys’ Declaration of Faith (27 articles) 
  2. 1651—Faith and Practice of Thirty Congregations 
  3. 1654—The True Gospel—Faith Declared According to the Scriptures 
  4. 1655—Midland Confession of Faith 
  5. 1656—Somerset Confession of Faith  
  6. 1660—The Standard Confession (General Baptist) 
  7. 1678—Orthodox Creed (General Baptist; pub. 1679) 
  8. 1689—Baptist Confession of Faith 
  9. 1691—Short Confession, or a Brief Narrative of Faith 
  10. 1757—Carter Lane Declaration of Faith 
  11. 1758—Sandy Creek Confession 
  12. 1770—Articles of Religion of the New Connexion 
  13. 1788—The Coal-Heavers’ Confession 
  14. 1792—Goatyard Declaration of Faith 
  15. 1812—Former Articles 
  16. 1834—Treatise on the Faith of the Freewill Baptists (1948) 
  17. 1858—Abstract of Principles 
  18. 1866—Compend of Christian Doctrines Held by Baptists 
  19. 1878—Articles of Faith of the Gospel Standard Aid and Poor Relief Societies (Strict Baptist) 
  20. 1900—Fulton Confession of Faith (Primitive Baptists) 
  21. 1923—Articles of Faith Put Forth by the Baptist Bible Union of America 
  22. 1925—Baptist Faith and Message (rev. 1963, 1998, and 2000) 
  23. 1935—Treatise on the Faith and Practice of the Free Will Baptists 
  24. 1966—Baptist Affirmation of Faith 


  1. 1644—First London Baptist Confession (rev. 1646; see Reformed) 
    • 1646—An Appendix to a Confession of Faith (Benjamin Cox) 
  2. 1677—Second London Confession (The London Baptist Confession of Faith; Particular Baptist; pub. 1689) 
  3. 1742—Philadelphia Confession 
  4. 1833—New Hampshire Confession of Faith 
  1. 1925, 1964, 2000—Baptist Faith and Message (SBC) 
  2. 1950—Doctrinal Statement of the North American Baptist Association 


  1. 1675—Confession of the Society of Friends 
  2. 1887—Richmond Declaration 


  1. 1744—Minutes of Some Late Conversations 
  2. 1765—The Scripture Way of Salvation 
  3. 1784—Articles of Religion 
  4. 1823—Confession of Faith of the Calvinistic Methodists or the Presbyterians of Wales 
  5. 1968—Confession of Faith (United Methodist Church) 


  1. 1848—Pillars of Adventism 
  2. 1941—Adventist Baptismal Vow 
  3. 1980—28 Fundamental Beliefs 


  1. 1914—Statement of Fundamental Truths of the Assemblies of God 
  2. Statement of Faith of the Indian Pentecostal Church of God 

Fundamentalist Evangelical:

  1. 1949, 1990—Doctrinal Statement of the Evangelical Theological Society 
  2. 1978—Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy  
  3. 1983—Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics 
  4. 1988—Danvers Statement 
  5. 2017—Nashville Statement 

[Collection / Comparison]

  • Harmonia Confessionvm Fidei 
  • 1960—Maasai Creed 

Eastern Orthodox: 

Greek Orthodox:

  1. 1453—The Confessions of Gennadius 
  2. 1576—The Answers of the Patriarch Jeremiah to the Lutherans 
  3. 1625—The Confession of Metrophanes Critopulus 
  4. 1631—The Confession of Cyril Lucar 
  5. 1643—The Orthodox Confession of Mogilas 
  6. 1672—The Confession of Dositheus (Synod of Jerusalem) 

Russian Orthodox: 

Roman Catholic: 

  1. 1054—Edict of Michael Cerularius and of the Synod of Constantinople 
  2. 1075—Dictatus Papae (Pope Gregory VII) 
  3. 1530—Confutatio Augustana  
  4. 1563—The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent 
  5. 1564—The Profession of the Tridentine Faith (Pope Pius VI) 
  6. 1566—The Roman Catechism 
  7. 1653—Cum Occasione (Pope Innocent X) 
  8. 1854—The Papal Definition of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary 
  9. 1864—The Papal Syllabus 
  • 1870—The First Vatican Council
    1. 1870—The Constitution on the Catholic Faith 
    2. The Papal Infallibility Decree 
  1. 1950—Dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary 
  • 1964—The Second Vatican Council
    1. Dogmatic Constitution of the Church 
  1. 1968—Credo of the People of God (Profession of Faith of Paul VI) 
  2. 1996—Common Declaration (Pope John Paul II and [Armenian] Catholicos Karekin Ι) 
  3. 1998—Ad Tuendam Fidem (Pope John Paul II) 


  1. Racovian Catechism (1605) 
  2. Summa Universae Theologiae Christianae secundum Unitarios (Hungarian Unitarianism) (1782) 


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