- Old Roman Symbol
Ecumenical Creeds
- Apostles’ Creed (Symbolum Apostolicum)
- Nicæno-Constantinopolitan Symbol
- Chalcedon Symbol
- Athansian Symbol
Protestant Creeds, Confessions, Canons, and Catechisms:
- 1517—Ninety-five Theses (Luther)
- 1529—Luther’s Large Catechism
- 1529—Luther’s Small Catechism
- 1530—Augsburg Confession
- 1530—Apology of the Augsburg Confession (Confessio Augustana, Apologia Confessionis)
- 1537—Smalcaldic Articles
- 1540—Confessio Augustana Variata
- 1544—Short Confession concerning the Holy Sacrament (Kurzes Bekkentnis vom heiligen Sakrament)
- 1557—Formula of Concord (Formula Concordiæ)
- 1580—Book of Concord
- 1592—Saxon Visitation Articles
- 1655—Reaffirmed Consensus of the Trinity Lutheran Faith
- 1855—Definite Platform
Superceded Lutheran Confessions
- 1551—Saxon Confession (Confessio Saxonica; Confessio de coena Domini; Melanchthon)
- 1552—Württemberg Confession (Confession Wirtembergensis)
Swiss Reformed:
- 1523—Sixty-seven Articles (Zwingli)
- 1528—Ten Theses of Berne
- 1528—East Friesland Confession (Zwinglian)
- 1532—Synodical Declaration of Bern
- 1534—First Confession of Basel
- 1536—First Helvetic Confession
- 1541—Geneva Catechism (1545)
- 1562—Second Helvetic Confession (1566)
German Reformed:
- 1530—Tetrapolitan Confession (Confessio Tetrapolitana)
- 1554—Emden Catechism (Jan Laski; superseded by the Heidelberg Catechism) 1563—Heidelberg Catechism
- 1578—Confession of Nassau
- 1597—Anhalt Articles
- 1598—Bremen Consensus (Consensus Bremensis)
- 1607—Hessian Confession (pub. 1608)
- 1607—Catechism of the Heidelberg Theologians
The Brandenburg Confessions
- 1614—Sigismund Confession
- 1631—The Colloquy at Leipzig
- 1645—Declaration of Thorn
Bohemian, Polish, and Hungarian Reformed:
- 1535—Bohemian Confession (Confession of the Unity of the Bohemian Brethren, Brethren’s confession)
- 1575—Second Bohemian Confession
- 1557—Confession of Czenger
- 1570—Sendomir Consensus
- 1536—Lausanne Articles
- 1536—Geneva Confession
- 1537—Confession of Faith concerning the Eucharist (Confession fides de eucharistia)
- 1549—Zurich Consensus
- 1552—Geneva Consensus (Consensus Genevensis)
- 1556—Confession of the English Congregation at Geneva
French and Dutch Reformed:
- 1558—Guanabara Confession (Huguenot)
- 1559—French Confession of Faith (Confession de La Rochelle; Gallic Confession of Faith; La Rochelle Confession of Faith; Confessio Gallicana, Huguenot)
- 1561—Belgic Confession (Confessio Belgica)
- 1619—Canons of Dordt (or Dort)
- 1872—French Declaration of Faith
- 1559—Confession of the Christian Faith
- 1562—Hungarian Confession
- 1562—Erlauthal Confession
- 1571—Wittenberg Catechism
- 1581—Harmony of the Confessions of Faith
- 1581—Craig’s Catechism
- 1609—Bohemian Confession
- 1613/1617—Bentheim Confession
- 1617—The Seven Articles of the Church of Leyden
- 1644—First London Baptist Confession (rev. 1646; see Baptist)
- 1675—Helvetic Consensus (Formula consensus Helvetici, Formula consensus ecclesiarum Helveticarum)
- 1658—Savoy Declaration (John Owen, see Congregational)
- 1693—Walcheren Articles
- 1905—Conclusions of Utrecht
- 1934—Theological Declaration of Barmen
- 1986—Belhar Confession
- 1996—Cambridge Declaration
Anabaptist / Mennonite:
- 1527—Schleitheim Confession (Anabaptist)
- 1591—The Mennonites Concept of Cologne (Anabaptist)
- 1896—Articles of Confession (Church of God in Christ, Mennonite)
- 1991—Statement of Doctrine (Conservative Mennonite Conference)
- 1554—Wismar Articles (Dutch Anabaptist)
- 1627—Olive Branch Confession (Dutch Mennonite)
- 1994—Confession of Faith (Evangelical Mennonite Conference)
- 2001—Confession of Faith (Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference)
- 1990—Confession of Faith (Fellowship of Concerned Mennonites)
- 1950—Articles of Faith (Fellowship of Evangelical Bible Churches)
- 1896—Our Common Confession (General Conference Mennonite)
- 1944—The Anabaptist Vision (Harold S. Bender)
- 1947—An Ancient Version of Obbe Phillips’ “Confession” (Leonard Verduin)
- 1632—Dordrecht Confession of Faith (Mennonite)
- 1778—Elbing Catechism (Mennonite)
- 1902, 1975—Confession of Faith (Mennonite Brethren Church)
- 1963—Mennonite Confession of Faith (Mennonite Church)
- 1995—Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective (Mennonite Church USA, Mennonite Church Canada)
- 2006—Mennonite World Conference Shared Convictions (Mennonite World Conference)
- 1617—The Confession of Faith (P.J. Twisck)
- 1956—A Hutterite Book of Medieval Origin (Robert Friedmann)
- 1853—Confession, or Short and Simple Statement of Faith (Rudnerweide, Russia)
- 1568—Strasbourg Discipline (South German Anabaptist)
- 2012—Foundations of our Faith and Calling (The Bruderhof Communities)
- 1577—Confession of Faith (Waterlander)
- 1578—The Middelburg Confession of Hans de Ries
- 1618—A Short Confession of Faith by Hans de Ries
- 1766—Mennonite Articles of Faith by Cornelis Ris
Anglican / Episcopal:
- 1536—Ten Articles
- 1537—Bishops’ Book
- 1539—Six Articles
- 1543—The King’s Book
- 1549/1662—Anglican Catechism
- 1552—Forty-two Articles (The Edwardine Articles)
- 1571—Thirty-nine Articles (Articles of Religion; The Elizabethan Articles; Latin ed. pub. 1563)
- 1595—Lambeth Articles (Nine Articles)
- 1615—Irish Articles of Religion (James Ussher)
- 1646—Westminster Confession of Faith
- 1875—Articles of the Reformed Episcopal Church
- 1977—Affirmation of St. Louis
- 1560—Scots Confession (Confessio Scoticana)
- 1580—Second Scots Confession
- 1581—The King’s Confession (The Negative Confession, Confessio Negativa)
Westminster Standards
- 1645—Directory for Public Worship (Westminster Directory)
- 1645—The Form of Presbyterial Church Government
- 1646—Westminster Confession of Faith
- 1649—Westminster Shorter Confession
- 1649—Westminster Longer Confession
- 1655—Confession of the Waldenses
- 1814/1883—Confession of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church
- 1837—Auburn Declaration
- 1848—Confession of the Free Evangelical Church of Geneva
- 1870—Confession of the Free Italian Church
- 1924—Auburn Affirmation (PCUSA)
- 1967—Confession of 1967
- 1983—Book of Confessions (PCUSA)
- 1983—The Creed of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Chile
- 1984—Living Faith: A statement of Christian Belief, Presbyterian Church in Canada
- 1991—Brief Statement of Faith
Puritan / Congregational:
- 1603—Points of Difference of Congregationalists
- 1648—Cambridge Platform
- 1658—Savoy Declaration
- 1708—Saybrook Platform
- 1833—Declaration of the Congregational Union of England and Wales
- 1865—Declaration of the Boston National Council
- 1871—Declaration of the Oberlin National Council
- 1883—Confession of American Congregationalists
- 1610—Five Articles of Remonstrance
- 1611—Thomas Helwys’ Declaration of Faith (27 articles)
- 1651—Faith and Practice of Thirty Congregations
- 1654—The True Gospel—Faith Declared According to the Scriptures
- 1655—Midland Confession of Faith
- 1656—Somerset Confession of Faith
- 1660—The Standard Confession (General Baptist)
- 1678—Orthodox Creed (General Baptist; pub. 1679)
- 1689—Baptist Confession of Faith
- 1691—Short Confession, or a Brief Narrative of Faith
- 1757—Carter Lane Declaration of Faith
- 1758—Sandy Creek Confession
- 1770—Articles of Religion of the New Connexion
- 1788—The Coal-Heavers’ Confession
- 1792—Goatyard Declaration of Faith
- 1812—Former Articles
- 1834—Treatise on the Faith of the Freewill Baptists (1948)
- 1858—Abstract of Principles
- 1866—Compend of Christian Doctrines Held by Baptists
- 1878—Articles of Faith of the Gospel Standard Aid and Poor Relief Societies (Strict Baptist)
- 1900—Fulton Confession of Faith (Primitive Baptists)
- 1923—Articles of Faith Put Forth by the Baptist Bible Union of America
- 1925—Baptist Faith and Message (rev. 1963, 1998, and 2000)
- 1935—Treatise on the Faith and Practice of the Free Will Baptists
- 1966—Baptist Affirmation of Faith
- 1644—First London Baptist Confession (rev. 1646; see Reformed)
- 1646—An Appendix to a Confession of Faith (Benjamin Cox)
- 1677—Second London Confession (The London Baptist Confession of Faith; Particular Baptist; pub. 1689)
- 1742—Philadelphia Confession
- 1833—New Hampshire Confession of Faith
- 1925, 1964, 2000—Baptist Faith and Message (SBC)
- 1950—Doctrinal Statement of the North American Baptist Association
- 1675—Confession of the Society of Friends
- 1887—Richmond Declaration
- 1744—Minutes of Some Late Conversations
- 1765—The Scripture Way of Salvation
- 1784—Articles of Religion
- 1823—Confession of Faith of the Calvinistic Methodists or the Presbyterians of Wales
- 1968—Confession of Faith (United Methodist Church)
- 1848—Pillars of Adventism
- 1941—Adventist Baptismal Vow
- 1980—28 Fundamental Beliefs
- 1914—Statement of Fundamental Truths of the Assemblies of God
- —Statement of Faith of the Indian Pentecostal Church of God
Fundamentalist Evangelical:
- 1949, 1990—Doctrinal Statement of the Evangelical Theological Society
- 1978—Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy
- 1983—Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics
- 1988—Danvers Statement
- 2017—Nashville Statement
[Collection / Comparison]
- Harmonia Confessionvm Fidei
- 1960—Maasai Creed
Eastern Orthodox:
Greek Orthodox:
- 1453—The Confessions of Gennadius
- 1576—The Answers of the Patriarch Jeremiah to the Lutherans
- 1625—The Confession of Metrophanes Critopulus
- 1631—The Confession of Cyril Lucar
- 1643—The Orthodox Confession of Mogilas
- 1672—The Confession of Dositheus (Synod of Jerusalem)
Russian Orthodox:
Roman Catholic:
- 1054—Edict of Michael Cerularius and of the Synod of Constantinople
- 1075—Dictatus Papae (Pope Gregory VII)
- 1530—Confutatio Augustana
- 1563—The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent
- 1564—The Profession of the Tridentine Faith (Pope Pius VI)
- 1566—The Roman Catechism
- 1653—Cum Occasione (Pope Innocent X)
- 1854—The Papal Definition of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary
- 1864—The Papal Syllabus
- 1870—The First Vatican Council
- 1870—The Constitution on the Catholic Faith
- The Papal Infallibility Decree
- 1950—Dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
- 1964—The Second Vatican Council
- Dogmatic Constitution of the Church
- 1968—Credo of the People of God (Profession of Faith of Paul VI)
- 1996—Common Declaration (Pope John Paul II and [Armenian] Catholicos Karekin Ι)
- 1998—Ad Tuendam Fidem (Pope John Paul II)
- Racovian Catechism (1605)
- Summa Universae Theologiae Christianae secundum Unitarios (Hungarian Unitarianism) (1782)
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