7 Layers of Jurisdiction

Six layers of jurisdiction sit upon the plot of ground on which I stand:

  1. the Federal Government of the United States of America,
  2. the State of Oregon,
  3. Multnomah County,
  4. the City of Portland,
  5. Metro,
  6. Trimet.

Metro and Trimet are included in this list because they are given the power to tax, which is a function of government.

A seventh layer is closer, more local, and more intimate than either of these and, at the same time, higher, more lofty, and unassailable compared with these, that is

  1. the Kingdom of God.

To further flesh these out, the six “secular” governments are granted powers by the people through various charters and constitutions, which are then carried out through numerous laws (both legislative and administrative) and various agencies.

  1. the Federal Government of the United States of America:
    • Declaration of Independence
    • Constitution of the United States of America
    • United States Code (USC)
    • Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) (listed in the Federal Register)
  2. the State of Oregon:
    • Constitution of Oregon
    • Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS)
    • Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs)
  3. Multnomah County:
    • Multnomah County Charter
    • Multnomah County Code
    • Multnomah County Administrative Rules
  4. the City of Portland:
    • Charter of the City of Portland
    • Portland City Code
    • Portland City Administrative Rules
  5. Metro:
    • Metro Charter
    • Metro Code
    • Metro administrative rules
  6. TriMet:
    • TriMet Code
    • TriMet Administrative Rules

The Constitution of the Kingdom of God rests upon God’s Person and is made known to us through the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ, who is the appointed King (i.e., Heb. Messiah, Gk. Christ) of that Kingdom. This is revealed through the pages of inspired Scripture, which is the fundamental document—the founding charter—of the Christian church, which is the formal political assembly of God’s Kingdom.






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